Chakra balancing helps discover from within where your energy has become unbalanced, bringing it from your unconscious to your conscious awareness, so you can heal, overcome and improve your quality of life.
There are seven main chakras or energy centers in the body which range from the top of the head to the base of the spine.
These are known as the Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakras.
Each of these energy centers represent different aspects of the natural energy that resides in each of us and therefore, there most natural state is to be balanced.
They can and do become unbalanced for various reasons, usually relating to life experiences and past traumas, including childhood trauma we’ve experienced, that has not been consciously looked at and healed within us.
Unbalanced chakras affect our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and can therefore limit and restrict how we experience life.
Blockages in the flow of this vital energy will eventually result in mental, emotional, and/or physical illness.
This can show up in many different ways, with some common examples being; attracting a physical serious illness, experiencing social anxiety in all or certain settings, getting angry or frustrated easily, not being able to attract and feel worthy of a love relationship, or repeating the same behavioural patterns that you know is to the detriment of you, and you just can’t understand the why.
The guidance that comes through from a chakra balancing session can help you in areas of your life where you have felt stuck.
A chakra balancing session helps you make sense of the WHY to your current life experience, by bringing it from your unconscious to your conscious awareness.
It allows us to go deeper than the issue at hand and identify the root cause.
In doing so, it allows you to truly heal and overcome these imbalances that have limited your quality of life, to one where you begin to feel more balanced within, and live a more enriched and improved quality of life.
Throughout a chakra balancing session, I integrate the knowledge I have of the seven main energy chakras, offering a unique balancing session for each individual chakra, while also ensuring you receive full-body reiki energy healing.
For more information on Chakra Balancing, see my blog post here.
© Sharon Campbell 2025
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Disclaimer: This site is for educational purposes. The information and counselling I provide is intended to educate and inspire you on your personal journey towards an ever-greater abundance of health and happiness. It is not intended to replace care that is best provided by a qualified health professional and is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Reiki, including Distance Reiki, is an energy balancing and healing modality working alongside, not instead of, any other current healing or medical practice. The client is responsible for his/her own health & actions.